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Why should people in Asset Management join my Patreon Site?

First, signing up to the Patreon site will give asset management professionals access to exclusive content and resources that can help them stay informed and up-to-date on the latest industry trends and developments. This can include in-depth analysis of specific markets or asset classes, as well as insights and strategies for making successful investments.

Second, by joining your Patreon community, asset management professionals will have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals in the industry. This can include networking opportunities, as well as the ability to share ideas and strategies with others who are also working to navigate the ever-changing financial landscape.

Third, by supporting your Patreon site through a subscription, asset management professionals will be supporting independent research and analysis. This can help to ensure that the information and resources they are accessing are unbiased and not influenced by corporate interests.

Finally, by signing up for your Patreon site, asset management professionals will have the opportunity to support and grow their own professional development. Through access to exclusive content and resources, as well as the opportunity to connect with other industry professionals, they can learn new skills and strategies to help them succeed in their careers.

Don’t forget there is still forty-five free report framework documents available and the first free eBook in PDF format, “Infrastructure – What is an asset?”

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The Lightning EAM Project.

By Paul Coady, Founder at The Lightning EAM Project A free and open-source project to create the World’s fastest Enterprise Asset Management System. https://player.vimeo.com/video/158332419 Lightning

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New – ActivityMark

Recently released, testing is now complete – new to the industry, “ActivityMark”, the latest benchmarking tool on your android device. Benchmark your maintenance or the

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