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Future Videos to be produced for Patrons

The following videos (approx. 10 minutes duration) form a small part of our overall sessions, we will have with our patrons. They will be based on our experience and incorporate pitfalls to avoid as many past organisations have suffered the pain of having to back track during their asset management implementation which can be a very painful process. 

Videos for individual development and growth.

1.  Definition of an Asset

2.   Developing an Asset Hierarchy – Part A

3.   Developing an Asset Hierarchy – Part B (Case Study)

4.   Developing a Data Framework

5.   Definition of an Asset Condition on Framework

6.   Applying Asset Condition Rating 

Please advise of any other topics and we will schedule them in.

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The Lightning EAM Project.

By Paul Coady, Founder at The Lightning EAM Project A free and open-source project to create the World’s fastest Enterprise Asset Management System. https://player.vimeo.com/video/158332419 Lightning

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New – ActivityMark

Recently released, testing is now complete – new to the industry, “ActivityMark”, the latest benchmarking tool on your android device. Benchmark your maintenance or the

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